Camphill Talent Show 2016
Our annual Talent Show is much looked forward to by all at Camphill Village West Coast. One of our young co-workers Miska, reports on the latest one which took place on Friday 22nd July:
The Annual Talent Show at Camphill Village West Coast got off to a
booming start with a performance by one of the judges, Akhona, a local
rap artist whose rhythmic beats had the crowd cheering and dancing with
the music. This festive mood lasted throughout the show, aided by the
guest host Mark Kleinschmidt. Everyone was excited to be there and
After Ahkona's performance followed a wide variety of music and dance acts from the Orion, Hermanus and Camphiil West Coast communities. As well as a lovely performance by musician, Kathryn Swain.
With so many beautiful and entertaining performances it was difficult to choose winners. Eventually however, four prizes were given out:
1. One to Hailey, whose dynamic and energetic moments won her the award for solo dancing.
2. The group dancing award went to a cheerful group from Hermanus.
3. Isaac won the solo singing with the awe inspiring performance of "You raise me up"
4. The group singing award went to sweet singing Rosline and her choir.
Everyone who participated received a certificate and a chocolate(yum).
The Talent Show ended with a farewell to this year's Young Co-Workers and a dance party.
"What Talent we saw last Friday, it was moving, humbling, amusing and above all, enjoyed, not only by the various artists, but all who saw the show. I personally was moved to tears on several occasions as the brave residents of Orion and the two Camphills, strutted their stuff on stage. The various artists and those who planned and organised the show are to be congratulated for a lovely evening. Not forgetting the wonderful soup on such a chilly eve!"
Bob and Claire Sankey