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Donate to Camphill Village

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Donate Cash

Make a transfer by EFT directly to our bank account or use our Payfast (ZAR), PayPal (USD & Euros) or BetterPlace.org accounts to donate funds directly to Camphill Village either as an anonymous donor or as a registered sponsor.


Payfast Logo
BetterPlace.org donations

Direct Bank Transfer

Contact Us
If you would like to donate or to offer any other form of help please contact our fundraiser - Janine Strumpher:

Camphill Fundraiser - Janine StrumpherTel: 021 571 8600
E-Mail: fundraiser@camphill.org.za

Tax Deductible
Camphill Village is a registered public benefit organisation:

NPO No 003-321
PBO 930001297

Your financial donation is tax deductible.

CSI Criteria
We meet the following CSI criteria:
  • Welfare: Homes for intellectually disabled adults. Meaningful work in sheltered enterprises for intellectually challenged adults
  • Capacity Building/ Skills Development: intellectually challenged youth and adults
  • Conservation and Environment: education, stewardship, sustainable living, organic farming